Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Last Week of Class!

Please bring all of your work on Essay 5 to date to class with you tomorrow.  All of our work for this week will come from those materials.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Parking Solution

 Parking is a big issue at Santa Fe College.The best option the school has with the size it is, is to build a parking garage. This solution can reduce traffic issues and make the school's parking problems less of an issue.This issue can cause problems for not only students but other drivers who are not going to the Santa Fe Campus or involved with Santa Fe.  But there are several Solutions to this problem that can help reduce this traffic.  It is very obvious that there are way more students with cars than there are parking spots for them.  This can be seen by students parking on the grass or other spaces that are not actual parking spaces.  Building a parking garage will increase parking spaces available for everyone and it would be easy to multiply the number of spaces by simply building up rather than out.  The problem with  this solution is that chances are that people will be charged for the garage in order to pay for it. Also during it construction there would be even less parking than usual.  Or because of the tight spaces acciedents may be more common.  BUt there is alot of good things that can go with having a parking garage.

Exercise 15.7

The traditional lecture method of education has a number of problems. For example the lecture method does not usually keep the students involved and students may miss, or misinterpret certain notes. In addition, being present is crucial for the professors, so if something happens for professors and he/she cannot make it to class students would miss one complete section which makes professor to do a makeup section for students, and not to mention that makeup sections are always hard to be arranged.Making a lecture available as podcasts, however, will give students extra study notes just in case they left out something important that would be on the exam.There are three reason this teaching method should be adopted.One reason is that freshman students or students who need to listen to lectures more than once would be able to do that.Another reason is that some students just do not take good notes.Finally, it makes the whole experience easier and more convenient for students overall. For these reasons I believe podcasts should be utilized throughout all colleges and even for High schools.

To coy his mistress

The poem is pretty much about living each day like its your last. He uses imagery of death to show that we only have so much time on this earth. He is effective in his argument through use of grim depictions of life. Though his poem can be a little hard to understand at first due to it being from the 1600's, it is something that can be related to even today. The appeal he uses is Pathos. This use of emotion makes people rethink their lives. The fact life is so short and grim makes this poem relevant through the years.


http://web.ebscohost.com.ezproxyprod.sfcollege.edu/ehost/viewarticle?data=dGJyMPPp44rp2%2fdV0%2bnjisfk5Ie46eR74aTreefkrH3m5fGMvqevR7GmrUqup7A4r6a4Ta6wslCexss%2b8ujfhvHX4Yzn5eyB4rOrSbapsEuypq9Ptpzqeezdu33snOJ6u9e3gKTq33%2b7t8w%2b3%2bS7ULCntVCzqbY%2b5OXwhd%2fqu37z4uqM4%2b7y&hid=127 "Forty-Nine Minutes of Madness: The Columbine High School Shooting."
Thesis Statement: Teachers should carry handguns to protect themselves and their students from violence.
 I would uses the content of this article help strengthen this argument. The article focuses on the Columbine shooting. The fact this event happens an schools have almost no way to defend against something like once it starts. Most high schools only have a handle full of school security guards who are armed with pistols. Even with these defenses, it is unlikely they can fully defend a school again automatic weapons. The only other solution it to wait for S.W.A.T. and more police backup. If teachers had guns this could possible redice the chances of something like Columbine from happening again.

Parking situation

There are not many ways you can fix the lack of parking on the northwest campus unless they buy more land  and added more parking. One other way that I can think of that might work is making parking assignments for everyone if they could. I haven't had trouble parking but I also always park in overflow. I think that if you want the best parking spots you get to the school early and if you don't care you can park in overflow.

Parking Soultuion for Santa Fe

         Parking is a big issue at Santa Fe College.The best option the school has with the size it is, is to build a parking garage. This solution can reduce traffic issues and make the school's parking problems less of an issue.
         This issue is relevant to many students, and even causes a lot of congestion for drivers who aren't affiliated with Santa Fe. But with all there are several solutions that can be taken to reduce this issue.
         It can seen on campus there obviously are not enough parking spots. Parking swells beyond the parking limits of the campus. Cars can be seen in non designated parking spots.
         This solution will increase parking for everyone. In the area the size of a section of a lot, there can be built a parking lot of multiple stories. The same amount of area that could hold a few hundred cares can be doubled or tripled.
         The problem with  this solution is that chances are that people will be charged for the garage in oder to pay for it. Also during it construction there would be even less parking than usual.
         There's a lot of good that can come out of parking garage, though it to will cause some problems that come along with it.