Friday, November 30, 2012

Parking Solution

 Parking is a big issue at Santa Fe College.The best option the school has with the size it is, is to build a parking garage. This solution can reduce traffic issues and make the school's parking problems less of an issue.This issue can cause problems for not only students but other drivers who are not going to the Santa Fe Campus or involved with Santa Fe.  But there are several Solutions to this problem that can help reduce this traffic.  It is very obvious that there are way more students with cars than there are parking spots for them.  This can be seen by students parking on the grass or other spaces that are not actual parking spaces.  Building a parking garage will increase parking spaces available for everyone and it would be easy to multiply the number of spaces by simply building up rather than out.  The problem with  this solution is that chances are that people will be charged for the garage in order to pay for it. Also during it construction there would be even less parking than usual.  Or because of the tight spaces acciedents may be more common.  BUt there is alot of good things that can go with having a parking garage.


  1. This is a really good problem and solution paragraph. The only thing I think can be improved is the discussion at the end. You could have provided solutions for the problems you presented for the solution you gave. Just to counteract the negative refute. I think you did a great job of looking at the idea from a different point of view to come up with negativity with your solution. This is a really good cause and effect paragraph and if it was expanded on, I believe it would make a very promising essay. Great job!

  2. GREAT IDEA! i think a parking garage is a wonderful solution. The school really needs more space and a parking garage could really solve that problem. You addressed it well and that would be a amazing solution. I definitely agree.

  3. Fantastic idea--I especially like your proposal to build up rather build out. I would like to suggest that Santa Fe could charge students to park in order to help with the cost of the garage and in order to address the issue of its construction, the parking garage could be constructed during a less busy term of the year, the summer term.
