This screen cap is from the movie Fight Club. In this shot you see Tyler (Brad Pitt) in the tub smoking. Spoiler alerts. For those of you who have seen this movie you find out in the end that the main character is suffering from a unique mental disruption in which he creates another personality, Tyler. He does this unwittingly though. The screen shot depicts how the afflicted man sees himself as. This is his form of relaxing, smoking and soaking it up. This movie begs the argument of how do we view ourselves. He thought that Tyler was this amazingly awesome person and even looked up to him, but it was really him the whole time. This shot proves that the visualizations of ourselves are warped. Dont be someone that somebody else wants you to be. Just be yourself.
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Friday, August 31, 2012
Bound to buy
After reading Bound to Buy article,
I found out that even more categories could be out there because I am not under
any of these categories! Although I remember when I was a teenager I had a hard
time to say no to sellers. Sometimes I really was just looking at items, but I
got fooled with the sellers who were trying to tell me that oh that cloth looks
perfect on you, and I couldn’t resist to saying no. This kind of behaviors fell
into category “The Hapless Negotiator”. In addition, there are sometimes that I really like something,
but I hesitate to buy it. As a result, after few days of looking and not
finding the exact thing, I have to buy something similar but more expensive and
at the end the similar and more expensive item does not even makes me happy.
In general, people in our
society are getting used to find their happiness in materials consumption. They
surround themselves with unnecessary stuff with one main reason “buying this
makes me happy”. Statistics show that having more income does not particularly
increase rate of happiness. Keep this in mind that affluent people often fail to
find their happiness in their material wealth. People can live happier by being
less materialistic
Objectification of Women in Comic Books
The above character is the Female (of the Species) from the
comic The Boys. Unlike most female superheroes, she is not drawn to be a sex
symbol. Instead, she is a striking contrast to many of the other female
characters in the series (and comics in general). In the above picture, she’s shown sitting on
the floor meditating which shows her inner focus and concentration. Her facial
expression shows almost no emotion as she looks downward in contemplation. Her
pose is completely unlike the overly sexualized stances of the modern female
superhero. The Female is fully clothed and her outfit is practical and
nonrestrictive. Her solid black outfit gives only a hint of the muscle tone
underneath it. The only real definition to her clothing is in the tear in her
pants and the lacing on her boots. The tear in her pants could be from a fight
or even a sign that the character doesn’t care about her appearance. In
contrast to the video which mentions female superheroes having long, lustrous
hair the Female’s hair seems limp and dull. The artist gives only the slightest
outline of her body shape, showing a realistic looking fit woman with only the
slightest definition to her chest. The Female is almost the antithesis of the
modern female superhero on the premise of aesthetics.
Bound to buy
While reading this article my face began to light up because I could see myself fitting into some of the category of shoppers that were being described. Even though I could probably fit in almost all of them, nothing described me more than the "Illogical Rationalizer." I must admit, I am a sucker for a good sale, especially when it comes to one of my favorite name brand clothing stores. Whenever I see the words "buy one get one" or "SALE" my heart starts to flutter and I automatically start to think that I am going to end up with a good deal. This category also fits me because I am one of those shoppers that is willing to buy the more expensive product just because of the quality and that there is a chance that it will last much longer or work better.Some of my purchases that fit into this category just so happens to be shoes. I am a shoe fanatic! when it comes to my shoes, more specifically my high heels and pumps, there really isn't a limit to what I will spend. I'd rather buy a higher end shoe because of the quality and because they are more comfortable than cheaper pairs. But don't get me wrong, if I find a pair of good looking shoes for a steal, I will get them!
Stanford University index of alcohol advertisement
This is an advertisement for Bacardi alcohol brand. Since this
ad appears in Stanford University index of alcohol advertisement most of the target
audience for this ad are students specially men. The main purpose of creator of
this ad is to persuade its audience by manipulating them that the key for being
socialize and attracting more women is their product. This ad uses appeal to
pathos in order to convince its audience to purchase the Bacardi because no
logic proves the relationship between being more socialize and alcohol drinking.
In addition to picture the words in the ad “mischievous, mixable, magical” don’t
say anything specific about the drink, like the percentage of the alcohol.
Instead, words just persuade their audience even more emotionally. Drinking
alcohol is a debating subject and this ad is refutation for those who believe
drinking alcohol is all about damaging human body and increasing dangerous attitudes.
Overall this ad is not convincing because it does not use any logic and
accurate information which shows drinking alcohol can increases men self
confidence and attraction.
Screen cap
This visual of the TV show, The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, shows his mom packing his clothes. She seems to be mad while she gathers his things while he looks like he is saying, please mom dont pack my clothes and throw me out. It also shows a wall of graffiti in the background. The grafitti on the wall is basically showing that he came from a rougher neighborhood. When you take a glance at this picture his mom is packing his clothes and the expression on his face sends ah message that his mom might be upset with him or either scared of what could happen to him. . This screen cap supports the theme of the television show because he's rapping and telling a story. The show is about a young Phillidelphian kid who move to the suburbs with his uncle because he is getting in trouble in his hometown. When he move in with his uncle he still have his hood ways. He does not really fit in because the neighborhood is so different where he from. On this screen cap it don't really have any kind of impact on the audience. The image simply tells a story.
Bound to Buy
Upon reading the article from the Moneyland section of Time’s
website, I came to the realization that I don’t fit into just one of these
categories. After some consideration (and perhaps re-evaluation of my spending
habits) I concluded that I am some mesh of the Early Adopter, the Preemptive
Replacer and the Illogical Rationalizer. I have spent more than I’d like to admit on
new tech devices for myself in the past couple years. I even have joked to
friends that all of my vices are devices. While I don’t necessarily go out to
buy the newest iPhone when it is released, after some careful consideration and
research on tech blogs I will then rush out to buy whatever it is. This then
leads to the next point, the Preemptive Replacer. For example, as soon as my
phone is eligible for an upgrade I will get a brand new smartphone. Finally, I also do have some of the
tendencies of the Illogical Rationalizer. As soon as I see that something that I think I
need is on sale it increases the likelihood that I will buy it. I love when I
see stickers like “buy one get one half off” or “buy one get one free.” I’ll go
to the pharmacy to pick up something and see that BOGO sign for Aveeno products
and think “You know, that bottle of lotion at home is half empty… I really
should take advantage of this deal while I’m here.”
Objectification of Women in comic books
This is a movie poster from the third part of Spiderman’s trilogy
directed by Sam Raimi in 2007. In addition to the usual red and blue costume in
this poster Spiderman appears in dark black suit which shows his dark inner
side. The hero of the city who always was a lifesaver will battle other side of
himself, and the only sentence above the poster “the greatest battle lies
within” intensifies that too. The greatest battle lies within the good spider
man and bad, dark and selfish Spiderman. Standing in a corner from one side
shows he does not want to show himself completely, and from the other side
shows his anger and his crave for attack. Cloudy and rainy sky background shows
that something really dark and challenging is going to happen. The shiny sun
behind the clouds repeats the main point of the poster which is goodness
covered by darkness. Finally number 3 represents that this is going to be the
third part of the movie.
Objectification of Women in comic books DP
"Objectification of Women in Comic Books"
I choose two pictures, because while i do agree that comics many times do objectify women, by drawing them in tight fitting costumes, minimal amounts of clothing, and large breast. (as seen in the top picture Scarlet Witch) They also do the same with men. the bottom picture is a drawing of two of my favorite super heroes (Wiccan, and Speed) and they too are in tight fitting clothes, that outline their muscles and if they'd been drawn facing the front you can be sure that their costumes would outline other body parts. This is largely due to the fact that in todays culture sex sells, you'll see it in things like underwear commercials for both men and women. Comics writers and illustrators have obviously caught on to this idea and are milking it for all its worth, and as long as it keeps working for them, they will keep on doing it.
Bound to Buy/Spend
of bad habits yes that pretty much says it all.
I can say no to Starbucks if I’m sitting at home on my couch watching a
movie, however when I am walking through the mall and see that wonderful green
and white sign with the strange cartoony lady it is not so simple. I know I have read the articles and seen the
commercials for “You can save over X amount of money a year”. I live to be happy not to save money and when
I am in a position of something I want and I can afford it I usually will
purchase it. Starbucks is actually my
cheapest bad habit by far I would say my worst habit would be gambling. I love Vegas, the lights are cool the clubs
are fun but the casinos are where the excitement is. Too my dismay I have never come home a winner. I only do it because there is the chance of
winning I have had winning streaks that I have won over nine thousand dollars in
a less than 4 hours before. Unfortunately
the fact remains that I have never left Vegas with more money than I arrived
with. The motivation for Starbucks and
gambling will stay due to the fact I do it because they make me happy, and that’s
what is most important to me after all.
Bound to buy article
When I was reading the Bound to buy
article I realized that I would probably fit in two of the categories. The two categories
are the Creature of (Bad) Habit and The Impulse Buyer (and Frequent Regretter).
I probably spend too much money on fast food, drinks, and lottery tickets. I
also by things randomly that I like or think I need. I’m not sure why I buy the
stuff. It’s like something in my head tells me that I should buy it. For an
example I like to buy movies that I don’t own and I like to buy clothes that I
like. I try to think about whether I should buy the stuff or not but it doesn’t
always help. I think the creature of (bad) habit is caused because we get
addicted to buying they stuff even though we know that they are bad for us. An
example is fast food because sometimes it’s easier to buy it then making dinner
and sometimes like on trips it’s more accessible than anything else. Another
example is the lottery tickets and the only reason we buy them is the chance of
winning the money that they offer for buying them.
“Objectification of Women in Comic Books"
I see how some comics can be seen
as objectifying women but, it’s not all comics. There are some comics that
objectify women that are written by women. The picture I chose is from my
favorite comic book character. I think her pose and look are to show how intimidating
as well as to show that she’s not afraid of a fight with anyone. I think that her body shape is to try to make
people think that she’s helpless and attractive. What you can’t tell in less
you read the comic is that she is a fierce fighter and can take down whatever
comes after her. Her costume I feel is that it was made for her to be able to
fight easier than having lose fitting clothes. I think that people don’t realize
that ya their trying to sell comics but they have a vision of what they want
out of there comics right down to the clothes. To the writers it’s not always
about what will make this comic sell more. Sometimes it’s about their vision of
what they want the comic to be. Some comics even put men in very reviling
clothes and I think it’s just because it’s what the writer saw in his vision
for the story.
“Objectification of Women in Comic Books"
Well from my stand point, and hopefully everybody, we have learned from the video that sex sells. Slap a seductive photo of a pretty girl on a comic book and fan boys go crazy. Black Widow, as portrayed in the picture, has recently resurfaced with the Avengers movie being a hit. You wont see an unattractive women, by some people standards, in a comic book. They will be practically nude, with most features heavily exaggerated. The features that will attract the most people, if you catch my drift.
Of course the women are always making a sexy pose in the comics, with almost always a skin tight out fit. The more attractive the women appears, the more attention the comic gets. Sex sells.
Of course the women are always making a sexy pose in the comics, with almost always a skin tight out fit. The more attractive the women appears, the more attention the comic gets. Sex sells.
Hi my name is Katesha Nobles, but most people just call me Tesha . I am 18 years old and I just graduated from North Marion High School in Ocala, Fl. This is my first semester in college and I am very excited ! My major is Nursing and I'm taking this class cause it is a required course for my AA degree. I plan to attend Santa Fe College for 2 years, then transfer to The University of Florida for my Bachelors in Nursing . I just recently moved here to Gainesville from Ocala, which is about 30 minutes away ! I live in an apartment not far from the college with 3 roommates .
I hope to gain more knowledge about reading and writing skills because I never really learned from all my previous teachers. I honestly never liked reading and writing unless it was on a topic that caught my attention. I want to learn to love English this semester, since it is very essential in college . I know that writing argumentative essays is a big part of this class and I'm eager to begin !
I enjoy things like shopping, listening to music, and just chilling with friends . I'm an extremely nice person, sometimes maybe even too nice ! I was born and raised in Florida and never really ever went out of state ! Besides Valdosta, GA, if that even counts ! I would love to travel the world and I plan on doing so after college . I'm a very shy person and rarely talk to others without them talking to me, you can say I'm not a outgoing person . But I wan't to break out of that shell one day !
I hope to gain more knowledge about reading and writing skills because I never really learned from all my previous teachers. I honestly never liked reading and writing unless it was on a topic that caught my attention. I want to learn to love English this semester, since it is very essential in college . I know that writing argumentative essays is a big part of this class and I'm eager to begin !
I enjoy things like shopping, listening to music, and just chilling with friends . I'm an extremely nice person, sometimes maybe even too nice ! I was born and raised in Florida and never really ever went out of state ! Besides Valdosta, GA, if that even counts ! I would love to travel the world and I plan on doing so after college . I'm a very shy person and rarely talk to others without them talking to me, you can say I'm not a outgoing person . But I wan't to break out of that shell one day !
Bound to buy
After reading the Bound To Buy article. I realize that I am
somewhat the Impulse Buyer (and Frequent Regretter). I do tend to buy a lot of stuff out of
impulse just because I like the way it looks or it sounds cool. While I have never bought shoes or purses on
impulse……well I have never bought a purse before I do like buying gag gifts and
some infomercial products. I have made
quiet a few purchases just because the thing I was looking at looked cool or
something, mostly cause it looked cool.
I guess i'm not exactly….. strong willed when it comes to shiny things
that look cool I just get the urge that I want to have it and so I buy it. I believe over the past 2 years strictly out
of impulse I have purchased over $1,100 worth of things, I know its ridiculous
but surprisingly I do not regret any of it well at least I do not regret any of
it yet. But yea I am definitely an
Impulse buyer and I guess I could also be called somewhat of a Preemptive
Replacer just because I do like to buy shiny new things for the simple fact
that they are shiny. I like shiny things…..
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