Thursday, August 30, 2012

Stanford University index of alcohol advertisements

The subject of this advertisement is alcohol as well as the quote which suggests that a man's redheaded girlfriend left him but he still has his alcohol. The cap suggests that the bottle is "the other" redhead which means that the man is devoted to it. The advertisement suggests that no matter what happens or who leaves your life, this brand of alcohol will always be there for you. The advertisement is geared toward an audience of those individuals dating or recently broken up as well as the younger generation of alcohol consumers. The purpose of this advertisement is to convince consumers that they should buy this particular type of drink instead of another. This alcohol advertisement clearly appeals to pathos or the emotions of human beings. The ad suggests that this person not only likes to drink this particular type of alcohol, he is devoted to the drink. One is very apt to feel bad for the person quoted but at the same time has an attraction to the alcohol because the ad suggests although this person is recently single, he is not alone because he is devoted to the alcoholic beverage. The advertisement makes a good argument for the benefits of alcohol. 


  1. I think they are trying to play off of the emotions of people to sale their alcohol. I think that most advertisements try to play off of what they think their customer’s emotions and needs are when they drink. They make it seem like that most people drink after someone brakes up with them. I feel that drinking can cause more bad then good when you’re upset. I think they could come up with better ways of trying to get people to buy there alcohol then playing on the emotions of people that may not be in the best place.

    1. I completely agree. The makers of this advertisement definitely had people's emotions in mind when creating this picture. This ad can also make you think about drinking at the stereotypical bar where all the recently single people seem to end up. I also think that there is a better way to appeal to the audience but at the same time they are just trying to sell a product and if that means playing on the emotions of an audience then the company will do what it has to. I understand both sides of the argument when it comes to a consumer and a company just trying to move their product.

  2. I definitely agree that this ad is appealing to pathos. I guess you could also say this advertisement is playing off the need to be comforted. While his other redhead left him, he is able to take comfort in the remaining redhead - Maker's Mark. No one wants to feel sad or alone and it creates some empathy with the K.S. person who said the quote. I also think that the deliberate use of the word devoted makes the reader feel that this person is strongly attached to the drink, therefore it must be good and they should also buy it.
