Source 1:
Accuracy supported by research and lists references to the study, author has a doctorate in psychology and has been publishing since the early 90s about psychological issues. Even though the article lists it as video game addiction, it seems less slanted toward showing it as a negative. This was last updated/reviewed on October 26, 2012. Is pretty comprehensive, showing background information about the subject as well.
Source 2:
Accuracy supported by sources listed, author is a psychologist though website itself has pages with various authors who may or may not be as credible. Lists it as an addiction, so the objectivity is obviously slanted in that way. This article was updated last as of March 22, 2012. Is fairly comprehensive within the article about several issues related to the topic.
I think you did a good job analyzing the website that was a reliable source. But you did not go into much detail about the website that did a poor job. You listed a few things that "may or may not be credible" so im not sure if it ended up being a reliable source or not. However, the other source was well analyzed. Good job.