Friday, October 19, 2012


I liked the movie Mystic river I feel that it was a very well put together and thought out film.I loved how the movie drew so much suspense and mystery between who obviously was thought to be the killer and the actual killers. The plot was well though out because of the fact that Dave was a mane character suspect in the plot.In the beginning of the movie the director showed Dave being kidnapped and showed a scene that made the audience infer that he was molested.I liked the fact that the director new that reveling what happened to Dave when he was kidnapped would set the mood of Dave's bipolar and mentally unstable personality.In the film I didn't like how officer Sean's wife kept calling him I honestly feel that it was pointless to add that to the film it didn't contribute to the plot.To sum this up I loved the film it kept my attention the suspense drew me in to really enjoying the movie. The film director did a wonderful job of creating such a suspenseful plot that took me by surprise.

1 comment:

  1. Great review i agree with all your points. However you did not like sean's wife calling, but it is very important to the movie. It shows the struggles he is going through and the way he has become since childhood. It is finally so relieving when she actually speaks on the phone and decides to come home.
