Friday, October 12, 2012

Introduction: The Film Ace Venture:When Nature Calls is considered a cult classic and has been view as one of the most famous comedies of the 90's, but despite this the film received mostly negative reviews from critics. This gap between viewer and critic seems suspicious and this gap continues today. This gap may be caused by over zealous reviewers who take to criticizing every aspect of the film they can instead of watching the film for what it is, a comedy.
Refutation of opposing Arguments: Most reviews towards the film was negative according to the site Rotten Tomatoes.
The film manged to only receive 33% positive reviews from the critics who reviewed it out of 24 professional reviewers. While the Audience reviews from the same sight were much more enthusiastic. It managed to have 73% positive review from over 875,000 reviewers at home. The professional reviewers reviewed the film as stupid, nonsensical and a generally unfunny film, while it received mostly positive reviews from the average person who reviewed it at home.  
Conclusion: The film is generally considered funny by majority but from a small group of reviewers the film was terrible because of "The reviewer mentality". This may get the best of many reviewers. 

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