Thursday, October 18, 2012

My Selected Film for Essay Number Three

                My selected movie for the third essay will be Gladiator directed by Ridlay Scott in 2000.  I choose this movie for few reasons, first, because this is one of my favorite movies. I like the main actor, Russel Crow, I like movies with heroic genre, and I always have been amazed by Roman culture witch illustrated in the movie. Another reason that I choose this movie is that I believe the movie educate its audience about the Roman culture. In addition, the movie received positive critics, and won multiplies awards particularly five Academy Awards from the 73rd Academic Awards. In my essay I will argue that Gladiator is one the most successful epic historical movies in the history of the Hollywood. The genre of the movie is a mixture of action, drama, historical, and epic which make the movie so remarkable. All elements of the movie including Meez-on –sen , Cinematography ,Editing, and sound  are perfectly created in the  Gladiator. Ridlay Scott spent few months to prepare the framework of the scoter plot. More than 500 costumes, suits and giant architected models have been made for this movie in order drag audience in period of incents Rome. Since this an action movie the beats of music and soundtrack is so helpful to create the famous battle wars in during the movie. Since this is an historical movie I believe the way that scenes created could have huge impact on audience. It could whether makes the whole movie so fake and unreal or it could act like time machine and take the audience back in time. That’s why I will focus on the element of Meez-on sen for my upcoming essay.


  1. I totally agree with you on the fact that the movie educates you on Roman culture. Im personally a fan of this movie and movies like it for example Troy and 300. I love the action and drama this movie creates its incredible because the way the movie has a way of making you feel like your back in that time period. This is a great movie you chose to do your essay on I would personally love to read it this is such a great piece.

  2. Thanks for your comment and for your support.
    Between all these movies that you mentioned, historical accuracy is a crucial factor that gives credit to one movie, or discredits another movie. For example the 300 is lacked of historical accuracy according to lots of critics. That’s why 300 is mostly considered as a fiction movie rather than historical and cultural movie.
