Friday, October 26, 2012

PlotSummary DQ

Normal happy life all the kingdom is thriving with the good king and his queen they have a child.  Unfortunate circumstances befall the queen and she passes away in a rough winter.  The loss of his wife opens an opportunity for the beautiful witch Ravenna.  She uses her magic to fool the king and usurps his kingdom locking away Snow White in the castle.  The reign of Ravenna is like a plague on the land and the people.  Opportunity arises for the fair Snow White on the day she finally becomes of age she gains her freedom now she just has to find out how to regain her kingdom.

I choose to go broad because i did not want to release any more information than nessisary about the movie most people know that basic story of Snow white each different movie or story has its own twists and turns that usually lead us to good prevailing over evil :)

1 comment:

  1. Your plot summary looks very good, it gives you an overall look of what the story is but does not give away any details of the story, it does not expose any major points in the plot of the ending. Just overall the summary is very well done.
