Friday, October 12, 2012

page 413 Q 2

What positive qualities does Schoefer identify in the Harry Potter books? In her introduction she lists of the good qualities she sees, “compelling language, colorful imagery, and page turners”

 What other positive features does she ignore? The strongest argument I have read that she fails to mention would be the amount of people that the books have inspired to become writers or something to the effect.

 Is she justified in not discussing these positive aspects of the books, or does her failure to do so mean she is unfairly slanting her evidence? Sure she is justified in not discussing other aspects of the books/movies but to be able to believe that J.K. Rowling’s intentionally created these books in a sexist manner is ridiculous. I would not even credit her opinions as evidence, however if she possibly approached the subject on a more broad spectrum as general sexist stereotypes in the writing world she might have a more compelling argument.  No one is out there preventing Christine Schoefer from creating her dream books with strong female leads that save the day but that doesn’t mean that other people need to change their writing.

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