Friday, October 12, 2012

DQ Week 8 #4

In Schoefer's analysis of Harry Potter she bashes the books repeatedly of sexism and stereotypes. She Starts out by praising the book by turning some children into diligent readers. Also she speaks of how she was a fan of the series herself by reading all the current installments in the series. The positives that Schoefer give is her fascination in the creativity in the world and the spellbinding setting of the Wizard World. She seems to ignore the strength of women in the novel, but she instead over exaggerates the weaknesses. Her analysis is bad because she does almost nothing but make the female characters as weak in stead of stating their weaknesses. Examples are how Lily Potter sacrificed herself  to defend her son, or how in the 3rd novel Hermione is the main character besides Harry in the last half. She is bias in her analysis and does not effectively state the opposition.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with your analysis of Schoefer's evaluation. I did not even think about Lily Potter as an example but, the whole idea of Harry Potter is based on her sacrifice and love for her child. I also agree that she is bias in her analysis. Schoefer seems to be an extreme feminist and will say anything to get the reader to agree with her. She could have easily included a substantial refute and made her argument stronger by doing so. Instead she seems so passionate about the issue that she foregoes any idea that she is potentially wrong making the reader of her evaluation question her credibility.
