Friday, October 26, 2012

the aspects of my movie

              The aspects that I review for my film are acting and special effects. Since my movie is a historical movie, it takes place in ancient Rome, the place that doesn’t exist anymore. As a result lots of scenes have made with CGI or computer special effects in order to create the cities, the place, and the people that do not exist anymore. Gladiator is a successful movie for illustrating and creating historical scene because it creates real scenes and makes audience to feel they are in the middle of ancient Rome. For example, the Great Arena or Coliseum in the movie was made half as a model with wood and polyester and half with CGI, and the result was completely satisfying for both audience and critics because the movie got the Academic Award for its special effects. The acting of the actresses is another factor which leads the movie to a great box office succession. The main characters like Maximus and Comodus ,with their strong performance, present characters with certain personalities. For example, audience can immediately understand that Maximus is a humble, family friendly and carrying person.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed the acting in Gladiator as well as the special effects. Every time I watch it, it's kind of hard for me to believe that it came out in 2000. The special effects and overall cinematography of the film is so well polished, it's almost timeless.
