Wednesday, October 10, 2012

"Harry Potter's Girl trouble"

Schoefer credits many positive points of the Harry Potter series from the colorful wording and imagery to the crazy suspense. She highlights every point that draws readers in and keeps their attention for seven lengthy novels. All the great positives of these novels are hard to ignore and she is very wiling to admit that. However, she is disappointed with the lack of women characters that lead and conquer for the wizards. I do believe she missed quite a few other great features of the book. She continuously says that Voldemorts army was only men, but she is sadly mistaken. A huge character Sirius Black is killed by a leading lady in Voldemort's army, Bellatrix Lestrange. That is a big lead for the ladies. She does not do as much justice to Hermione and Ginny. For Hermione keeps the boys alive and saves them many times and in the end it was Ginny who makes the move on Harry. How about that for the ladies taking over? In the end i do agree with some of what she is saying, in many parts of the series they are favoring the men. It would be nice for the author to have written more leading girl parts but at the end of the day its a WOMAN that wrote the entire series and made Harry Potter's life possible.


  1. I like your perspective on Schoefer's evaluation. I think it would have been easy for the author of the series to give woman a more predominant role in things but that was not her vision. I love that you recognize that the author was a WOMAN because that says something for feminist like Schoefer who try to discredit the Harry Potter series for fear of sexism. A man did not write this series and I believe if one had the books would be very different. I believe Schoefer is bias and, as I stated before, she is a feminist. Her passion for the subject clearly clouds her judgement of the entire Harry Potter series. She foregoes some of the more intimate details of the relationships of the characters. Ginny is a definite example of that.

  2. I am agreed with both of you. Anybody who reads the books will realize that women are really effective in the whole story. I am agreed that women are more emotional characters, but this does not make them weak or unimportant at all. The whole point of Harry Potter’s story is that power of love is stronger than any other magics, and guesses who has that power more in entire story? It was Hurry’s mother who sacrifices herself for his son, not his dad, It was Ron’s mother who killed Bellatrix Lestrange not any other men, and it was Draco Malfoy’s mother who saved Harry’s life in the woods to see his son. Schoefer ignores all of these facts on her article. If the main characters are not women, it has a one simple answer. Because the writer is a woman and by being little more in favor on women in the books thousand of people would criticize her as a feminist writer! After all, It is easier to label a woman as a feminist as being in favor on men!
