Friday, September 28, 2012

Body Paragraph 1

In Obama’s speech he appeals to pathos by using emotion to persuade America to his cause. Obama speaks to the skeptical and the open sides of the American voter by stating multiple times that the path to a better stronger America will not be an overnight transition, but a long process requiring much cooperation. He calls to American people to unite for a a better America. He also says that the path to America is not only in his hands or the governments, but also in the hands of the American people.


  1. I think this is a good body paragraph. I do not quite understand how the appeal to pathos applies to the skeptical American voter; you may want to make that a little clearer. I see how he is trying to relate to the American people through your last example but again I do not see the connection to pathos, maybe you could provide a bit more of an explanation. Overall, I think this will be a very strong body paragraph if you add a more connectivity between your examples and the idea that he is appealing to pathos.

  2. I agree with Shelby i am not really sure I understand how the pathos applies to the skeptical American voter, I would have thought logos, more than anything, would have been used to persuade skeptics but I have not seen the video you are doing your essay on. You should work a bit more on the connective evidence on how he uses pathos to persuade the skeptical American voter, but other than just adding the examples and putting a bit more explanation into it I think this is a pretty good first paragraph.

  3. Since we have a one video for essay we can give each other very good tips.I am agreed that he appeals to pathos in his speech.For example when he was talked about supporting military or when he talked about health care for senors,single mothers,and small business owners.This statement that you mentioned is a more logical and reasonable support for Obama's speech thesis.Because this would be impossible and unreachable of he says he can fix everything so fast.Also,in future,nobody can blame him for promises that he made,but he could not make them happen.

  4. I see how pathos could be used in the speech when he says America needs to unite. But i happen to agree with Shabnam that those statements apply more to pathos. And yes he was already in a bad situation so we can not blame him for coming into office at a bad time. No matter who is in office or soon will take office it will be a struggle and hard to conquer the obstacles we have made for America.
