Friday, September 14, 2012

Week 4 Block 2 DP

Week 4 Block 2 DP

Choose one of the speeches above.  Using the "Template for Rhetorical Analysis" on page 85 of PA as a model, write a brief analysis of your selected speech.

·      Mrs. Romney addresses the hurricane and stops to say a pray for people in its way.
·      She identifys how we should concentrate on love rather than the stuff that divides us.
·      She says that everyone is loved, but are in trouble with money
·      She assumes that everyone is having trouble with money
·      She is very feminist
·      She appeals to all women
·      She says that there are problems with money and wants to change it
·      That women have it a little harder then men because they are mothers
·      She concludes that mothers are the best of America
·      I was somewhat convinced that women are underestimated, but I think men and women should be equal in same things but not in others. It was a very feminist speech


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hey Andrew, i totally agree with you on the equality of men and women. people should not downgrade the feminin sex. i understand the fact in witch she was trying to prove about women having it a lot more harder then men but she is also telling the people that woman cannot handle themselves without a support, that a man can handle himself but now the woman. she is fighting for the women but she is also downgrading them.
