Thursday, September 6, 2012

Freedom of Speech for All?

Topic: Freedom of Speech for All?
Thesis: The Chick-Fil-A meme applies visual and articulate representation to argue that some individuals only support freedom of speech when it coincides with their personal agenda.
1.      Introduction
a.       The image is a visual representation of a “free-spirit” and what seems to be an activist.
b.      All the visuals work together to convey the idea that some believe freedom of speech is not always acceptable, especially when they do not agree with the statement.
c.       Thesis statement
2.      The image is a visual representation of a “free-spirit” and what seems to be an activist.
a.       Glasses (intellect)
b.      Dreads (free spirit, out of the box)
c.       Multicolored hat (out of the box)
d.      People in the background (protestors/college students?)
e.       The words/statement (strong statement about freedom of speech)
3.      All the visuals work together to convey the idea that some believe freedom of speech is not always acceptable, especially when they do not agree with the statement.
a.       The visual picture represents individuals in society who disagree with the owner of Chick-Fil-A.
b.      The picture also represents opposition.
c.       The words are necessary to convey the message of freedom of speech in America.
d.      Appeals to the logic of the audience or logos.
4.      Conclusion 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Just so you know, this meme is actually called the College Liberal.

  3. Thank you very much! That will really help with my argument. I actually could not find the title on the website I found the meme on. I thought that it might be something along those lines but I was not sure. Have you seen this meme before? If so, where did you see it and where did you see the title of it? That site may be more credible than where I found it. Also, what did you decide to use for your paper? I am interested to see the potential arguments that could arise.

  4. I find this a very interesting topic to do the essay on. Of course the topic of freedom of speech for some but not all is perfect and there is plenty to talk about. The only thing I do have a little issue with is the picture because well its not accurate. People are mad at the owner of Chick Fil A for actively campaigning against gay people most people probably were a little mad that he actually said that but most of the reaction was you really should not have said that. While I realize that you’re not doing an essay about people saying that the owner of Chick Fil A shouldn’t have free speech I just thought it was something important to point out

    1. Thank you for your opinion Preston. I do have my own opinions and reservations about the issue and would love to write an essay solely on freedom of speech, unfortunately that is not the issue at hand. Thank you for the suggestion about the photograph not being accurate; I am sure I find a place to depict that somewhere in my paper. I agree that it is a very important point. I chose this meme because it is such a controversial issue at the moment and I know I can find information from media sources about the background information. I appreciate you thoughts, thank you again.

  5. This is a very big topic that has a lot of things that can be said about it. Freedom of speech has a lot of problems because of different peoples views of it. I think that you chose a very good subject to do your essay on. I like what Preston Dudley had to say and I also like the fact that Preston said something about people saying that the owner of Chick Fil A should't have free speech when he should. I also what you put in your essay outline.

  6. You did a very smart choice by picking this picture for your essay. This picture concludes all four parts of essay that are required for our assignment. First, you can draw a good and deep background and consciously a good introduction from it. Second, it has a visual feature like woman’s cloth that you can focus on. Third, it has a written message that makes a great argument. Finally, by putting all of these together you can make a complete conclusion statement.

  7. I think you did a pretty good job on your outline. You did a good job at analyzing the picture and picking out the details. You made good points to support your argument. I think you should write more about the Chick-fil-a issue for people who may be unaware of the message the image makes. Someone explained to me what exactly what happened so I just thought I would add that.

    1. Thank you Adrian! That is a very good suggestion. I was planning on suggesting more of the background information in my introduction. I looked up the official statement of the COO of Chick Fil A and plan on using it to support my argument as well as to provide a basis for the reader to understand what I am talking about. I also plan on providing some background information on the meme itself, such as the title and the site I obtained it from. Thank you again for your thoughts. My paper will definitely have a stronger message if I apply your suggestions.

  8. Like we had talked about in class, I would make sure to include something about her haughty pose! It's very striking and gives her a sense of condescending superiority.

    And yes, I have seen this meme online a lot. I think I found it's name originally in some post months ago, but there is a website called knowyourmeme that has a database of a lot of popular memes (pretty handy!).
