Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Bound to Buy

   After reading the Article "Bound to Buy: The Ten Types of Consumers that Overspend", I realized something about myself. I didn't really fit any of the categories ! Although I may be a bit of a "Impulse Buyer" at times, I wouldn't say that describes me. Sometimes I might find something I really like and buy it not because I need it particularly but because it's pretty ! For instance one time I was at the mall and saw a nice purse that was on sale for $50, being that it was so cheap I bought it. Knowing that I already had a numerous amount purses just sitting in my closet. This is an example of an "Illogical Rationalizer". As a result of this Illogical buy I ended up not using the item.
   In general I would conclude that my behaviors are somewhat different and I only buy something when I really like it not just because it was "on sale". Even though at times I may feel that just purchasing myself something will make me happy, in the end I wont because sooner of later I'll have to buy something else when that item gets old. So I just practice saving money for the things I need instead of want .

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about being an "impulse buyer." I was on a team last year with five girls and they all loved to go shopping. Not only was it a fun thing for all of us to do together, it was relaxing at times. Anyways, two of them bought things all the time that they really did not need and ended up never using or wearing. In fact one of them has a shelf full of new clothing with the tags still attached. While we said every time we went that we were only going to purchase what we needed, there always seemed to be something extra in our cart. Since then I have learned I need to be more frugal with my money, just as you are trying to do.
