Yes, the essay contains a
clear thesis statement “colleges should make every effort to create green campuses
because by doing so they will improve their own educational environment, ensure
their own institution’s survival, and help solve the global climate change.”
Yes, topic sentence for the
first paragraph clearly mentions background and history of Going Green. Topic sentence
in the second paragraph is about definition of Going Green and applying
sustainability in colleges. The third topic sentence mentions reasons of why
being sustainable has benefits for colleges and universities. the fourth topic
sentence is about how going green has positive effect on climate.
The writer could have explained
more about background of the environmental movement, and add some examples
about them too.
Yes, the author refutes opposing arguments by
giving examples and showing statistics like the University of Colorado‘s
example on the first opposing argument paragraph,but in the second opposing paragraph
he appeals to logic and emotion to argue.
they are plenty of transition word in this essay ,for example “Although, however,
in addition, despite, more specifically, but” and etc.
Yes, all sentences are smooth
and understandable.
Yes, the conclusion statement
is “Now is the time for schools to make the choice an pledge to go green.”In
this statement author persuade the readers to take an action and go green.
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