Friday, September 7, 2012

Questions about Going Greens Essay Supporting Evidence

Yes he does support his opinions with evidence however I do believe his evidence, facts and opinions are very biased in the manner he presents it.  My one minute of investigating led me to “The majority (78 percent) of executives cited an insufficient return on investment as an obstacle to “going green,” and 71 percent cite consumers’ unwillingness to pay a premium for green products or services.” (Economists on Environmental and Natural Resources, Sept 30 2010

He has enough evidence to prove there are some very manageable approaches to both improving our sustainability and save some money in the long run.  However there is a middle ground that must be met between his thesis and reality.

I doubt that any of his evidence is lies but I feel like they are only half truths he tells you all the good and none of the bad. 

Yes all of his sources relate to the topic of going green

He has two refutations the first one uses an example of boulder students voting in a dollar I cant find any articles about that incident but here is some food for thought on carbon emissions.  If 10% of NYC commuters biked to work instead of driving or taking transit just once per week, they could save 120 million pounds of CO2 emissions per year, equivalent to the amount released by the homes of 25,000 New Yorkers. If 10% of NYC commuters biked to work instead of driving or taking transit just once per week, they could save 120 million pounds of CO2 emissions per year, equivalent to the amount released by the homes of 25,000 New Yorkers.”  (

The IEA estimates reveal that a record 30.6 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide were emitted into the atmosphere, which was a rise of 1.6 gigatonnes from the 2009 figure. ( )
He goes quite overboard on the second argument the world is aware of the issue and most countries around the world are working on solutions all that weight does not fall on the “Ivory towers”.

1 comment:

  1. Wow this is uh very detailed. I am surprised at how much you went into this, even going as far as to do your own research on the matter? And I completely missed his refutations in the essay. Although you did type the exact same thing twice…. But still the fact that only 10% of people from New York City taking transit or biking just once a week could save that much CO2 emissions is amazing. And as far as the carbon dioxide emissions go I can’t believe than in just two years there was a rise of 1.6 gigatonnes.
